Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Quincy, IL 62301
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Quincy IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams County Association for | 217-224-8328 | 3526 Melodie Ln | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Adams County Health Department | 217-222-8440 | 333 N 6th St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Adult Day Care | 217-223-0071 | Bway & 14th | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters | 217-223-5452 | 105 N 12th St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Birthright of Quincy | 217-224-1277 | 201 N 3rd St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Catholic Ladies of Charities | 217-222-6359 | 510 S 4th St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Catholic Youth Organization | 217-222-1932 | 700 Broadway St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Country Club Court Cila | 217-224-2222 | 825 S 24th St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Ladies of Charity | 217-222-3541 | 934 S 12th St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Mississippi Valley Boy Scouts of Ameri | 217-224-0204 | 2336 Oak St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Quincy Area Habitat for Humanity | 217-223-4224 | 521 State St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Quincy Hospitality House The | 217-228-3022 | 1129 Oak St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Redmon & Lee Youth & Adult Community | 217-228-1106 | 815 Elm St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Salvation Army Shelter | 217-222-8655 | 323 N 5th St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Social Cntr | 217-222-0846 | 1138 N 10th St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Veterans of Foreign Wars Quincy Pos | 217-224-7377 | 1640 N 16th St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Y Wca of Quincy | 217-221-9922 | 1400 N 30th St Ste 6 | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
Ymca | 217-222-9622 | 3101 Maine St | Quincy | IL | 62301 |
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