Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Princeton, IL 61356
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Princeton IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 815-879-9181 | 1028 S 6th St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Bureau County Christian | 815-879-4100 | 3525 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Bureau Township Community Churc | 815-699-2327 | 19126 Wyanet Walnut Rd | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Christian Church | 815-879-0916 | 125 S Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Sain | 815-879-0158 | 338 Backbone Rd E | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
First Baptist Church | 815-879-3227 | 1719 S Euclid Ave | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
First Lutheran Church of Princeton | 815-875-1685 | 116 N Pleasant St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
First United Methodist Church | 815-872-2821 | 316 S Church St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Gingerbread Preschool | 815-879-8058 | 514 E Dover Rd | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Hampshire Colony Congregational | 815-875-2329 | 604 S Church St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Hollowayville United Church of Chris | 815-894-2739 | 214 W Peru St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Presbyterian Church | 815-875-1306 | 320 Park Ave E | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Princeton Bible Church | 815-875-2933 | 21890 US Highway 34 | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Root Laura Rev | 815-872-0378 | 818 Innsbruck Ln | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
St John Evangelical Lutheran Church | 815-875-2313 | 2825 E St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
St Matthews Lutheran Church | 815-879-6491 | 416 E Dover Rd | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
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