Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Princeton, IL 61356
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Princeton IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Burger King | 815-876-8009 | 105 Ace Rd | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Cadillac Ranch | 815-879-0055 | 802 E Peru St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Coffee Cup The | 815-875-1233 | 628 W Railroad Ave | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Country Kitchen | 815-872-3200 | 2125 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Culver's | 815-875-3131 | 224 Ace Rd | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Light Post Restaurant The | 815-872-1546 | 529 S Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Little Creek Supper Club | 815-894-9227 | 601 US Highway 6 | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
McDonald's | 815-872-2281 | 2139 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Oriental Garden Restaurant | 815-875-2560 | 428 S Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Prime Quarter Steakhouse | 815-872-3500 | 250 Backbone Rd E | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Princeton Plaza Restaurant | 815-875-1662 | 2835 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Red Apple Family Restaurant | 815-875-3637 | 2136 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Stagecoach Spaghetti Express | 815-875-2020 | 924 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Subway Deli Sandwiches & Salads | 815-872-7827 | 213 S Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Super Wok | 815-875-1832 | 902 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Taco Bell | 815-875-3854 | 2128 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 815-875-8322 | 2226 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Wise Guys Bar & Grill | 815-872-4897 | 2205 N Main St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
Ye Olde Underground Inn | 815-875-2782 | 219 S 6th St | Princeton | IL | 61356 |
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