Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Champaign, IL 61820
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Champaign IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Als Division | 217-351-1853 | 115 N Neil St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Amer Legion Post 559 | 217-398-4227 | 704 N Hickory St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Association of Academic Professionals | 217-337-5174 | 809 S 5th St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign County of | 217-359-6261 | 1817 S Neil St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Police Benevolent Assn | 217-356-1100 | 1209 Hagan St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Colony West Homeowners Assoc | 217-359-3405 | 31 Colony West Dr | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Commitee on Institutional | 217-333-8475 | 1819 S Neil St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Crisis Pregnancy Center | 217-398-6511 | 209 W Clark St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Habitat for Humanity of Champaign Count | 217-355-6460 | 40 E University Ave | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Illinois Federation of Teachers | 217-352-4854 | 1802 Fox Dr Ste B | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Illinois Heritage Association | 217-359-5600 | 602 E Green St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
National Assn of Advisors for He | 217-355-0063 | 205 W Green St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Preservation & Conservation | 217-359-7222 | 44 E Washington St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
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