Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Champaign, IL 61820
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Champaign IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central High School | 217-351-3911 | 610 W University Ave | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3701 | 405 E Clark St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3901 | 606 E Grove St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3993 | 1400 Hagan St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3819 | 817 N Harris Ave | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3881 | 809 N Neil St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3700 | 1103 N Neil St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-373-7330 | 902 N Randolph St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3811 | 1605 S Kirby Ave | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3841 | 703 S New St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3890 | 712 S Pine St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3807 | 1801 S Prospect Ave | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Champaign Community Unit School Dis | 217-351-3771 | 306 W Green St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Holy Cross School | 217-356-9521 | 406 E White St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Judah Christian School | 217-359-1701 | 908 N Prospect Ave | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
Newman John Henry Institute of Ca | 217-384-5974 | 1007 S Wright St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-3470 | 100 Assembly Hall | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-6528 | 510 Devonshire Dr | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-1651 | 101 E Gregory Dr | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-0050 | 610 E John St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-0100 | 620 E John St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-2394 | 204 E Peabody Dr | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-6880 | 607 E Peabody Dr | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-4747 | 615 E Peabody Dr | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-244-0072 | 605 E Springfield Ave | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-7856 | 51 Gerty Dr | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-2210 | 2204 Griffith Dr | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-2337 | 1004 S 4th St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-244-4663 | 1203 S 4th St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-244-7278 | 1700 S 4th St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-2250 | 909 S 5th St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-0950 | 1325 S Oak St | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
University of Illinois | 217-333-1801 | 1 Saint Marys Rd | Champaign | IL | 61820 |
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