Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Urbana, IL 61801
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Urbana IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alumni Tap | 217-384-8800 | 209 S Broadway Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Bread Company on Goodwin The | 217-383-1007 | 706 S Goodwin Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Cactus Grill | 217-344-1779 | 1401 W Green St | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Crane Alley | 217-384-7526 | 115 W Main St | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Dos Reales Mexican Restaurant | 217-328-0411 | 1106 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Dunkin Donut Baskin Robbins | 217-328-3513 | 404 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Hot Wok Express | 217-384-7170 | 1102 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Intermezzo Pastry Shop at Krannert Cen | 217-333-8412 | 500 S Goodwin Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 217-328-3379 | 410 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Li'l Porgy's Bar-B-Q | 217-367-1018 | 101 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Miko Restaurant | 217-367-0822 | 407 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Niro's Gyros | 217-328-6476 | 1007 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Office The | 217-344-7608 | 214 W Main St | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Perkins Family Restaurant | 217-328-3000 | 1214 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Season's Restaurant Holiday Inn | 217-328-7900 | 1001 W Killarney St | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Silvercreek | 217-328-3402 | 402 N Race St | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 217-367-1400 | 802 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Taco Bell | 217-367-2871 | 1003 W University Ave | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Urbana Garden Family Restaurant | 217-328-1514 | 810 W Killarney St | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 217-367-9581 | 410 N Race St | Urbana | IL | 61801 |
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