Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Chicago, IL 60615
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beauty Shop | 773-536-9404 | 4821 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Cain's Barber College & Styling | 773-536-4441 | 365 E 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Clips Cuts & More | 773-373-3277 | 4852 S Cottage Grove Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Creative Concept | 773-955-1076 | 1747 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Divine Creators | 773-684-9179 | 1637 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Dread Starchild Weaving & Beauty Salon | 773-955-2700 | 1703 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Friend's Hair & Nail Salon | 773-643-5520 | 1711 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Harper's Beauty Care | 773-752-9702 | 5240 S Harper Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Hassans Hair Design | 773-256-0160 | 1705 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Julia's Studio East Hair Salon | 773-363-8000 | 1525 E 55th St Ste 101 | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Kena African Hair Braiding | 773-373-3416 | 4700 S Indiana Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Lee's Beauty Shop | 773-373-9329 | 124 E Garfield Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Looking Glass Beauty Salons | 773-955-5555 | 1515 E Hyde Park Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Mystic Jigi | 773-347-0053 | 5137 S Harper Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
National Braiders Guild | 773-493-8724 | 5254 S Dorchester Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
New Look | 773-285-1979 | 231 E 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Page Too Hair Design | 773-363-0547 | 1007 E 53rd St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Shawie Hair Designs | 773-684-7751 | 1709 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Sisters African Hair Braiding | 773-268-3070 | 104 E 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Stamp Lays Executive Salon | 773-241-6200 | 1371 E 53rd St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Teresa's Colour Studio | 773-643-2500 | 5204 S Harper Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Yehia & Co Hair Designs | 773-667-1154 | 1455 E 53rd St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Yehia Concepts | 773-667-6880 | 1619 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Yehia Hair Design Inc | 773-548-5848 | 1390 E Hyde Park Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
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