Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Chicago, IL 60628
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
107 Beauty Salon | 773-264-3723 | 10637 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Afrocentricks Two Salon & Day Spa | 773-928-4716 | 351 W 95th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Ajjeana Work of Art Salon | 773-264-6877 | 10249 S Saint Lawrence Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Anoited Styles | 773-928-3484 | 345 W 95th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Beauty Rama | 773-881-7007 | 10317 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Black Passion | 773-928-8797 | 11018 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Bose Hair Studio | 773-660-1372 | 240 E 115th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Braids and Beauty | 773-568-7960 | 11132 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
C & C Buy the Weigh | 773-568-4946 | 9628 S Harvard Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Carrie's Unique Beauty Salon | 773-568-4195 | 11859 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Charlene's Magic Touch Beauty Salon | 773-928-9185 | 239 E 115th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Clare # 1 Beauty Supply | 773-264-7169 | 12259 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Cnc Beauty Barber Braid & Nail Salon | 773-264-0936 | 602 E 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Creative Cuts | 773-821-9765 | 40 E 107th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Designers Hair Gallery | 773-445-0171 | 10331 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Donice's Hair Salon | 773-264-9400 | 714 W 115th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Elite Beauty Salon | 773-881-9764 | 10222 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Esdelor's House of Beauty | 773-568-4940 | 147 W 95th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Esthela's Hair Design | 773-264-0029 | 11541 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Glamour at A Glance | 773-928-3143 | 12215 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Gregs Barber & Beauty Salon | 773-264-1119 | 10646 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Hair It Is | 773-928-1121 | 10249 S Calumet Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Homestead Beauty Salon | 773-734-3749 | 9763 S Cottage Grove Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
House of Elegance & Beauty | 773-928-0867 | 433 W 115th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Jazzy Netts Hair Salon | 773-821-5750 | 314 E 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Jose African Hair Braiding | 773-995-0647 | 11750 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Joyce's Beauty Nook II | 773-928-4447 | 523 W 111th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
King & Queen Hair Salon | 773-468-8600 | 139 W 95th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
La Moderna Beauty Salon | 773-468-8624 | 4 E 107th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Lb Beauty Suite Llc | 773-568-5949 | 725 W 111th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Les Nails | 773-928-3479 | 11235 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Lion's Den Beauty Salon | 773-568-9980 | 12549 S Princeton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Lucy's African Hair Braiding | 773-995-0797 | 11121 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Nikkis Mirror Colas Hair Studio | 773-785-3214 | 31 E 112th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
No Other Place | 773-568-6264 | 11135 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
One Accord | 773-568-4247 | 10629 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
One Hair & Nail Salon | 773-291-0218 | 405 E 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Phenomenal Barber & Beauty Designer | 773-264-0062 | 257 W 114th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Raw Skillz Barbar & Beauty Salon | 773-995-6800 | 334 E 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Rose Paradise Salon | 773-995-0622 | 25 W 119th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Sarafina Hair Braiding | 773-568-4181 | 11257 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Sarah's Beauty Salon | 773-264-5373 | 11113 S Vernon Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Studio 121 Hair Salon | 773-468-1800 | 12145 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Tata African Hairbraiding | 773-291-9959 | 12255 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Thelma's Beauty Pad | 773-821-9211 | 336 E 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Touch of Beauty | 773-785-1111 | 11601 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Unique Creation | 773-264-1666 | 415 E 111th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Vanity Box | 773-962-0500 | 11327 S Prairie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Venus & Mars Unisex Salon | 773-568-3101 | 715 W 111th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Yo Way Hair Salon | 773-568-4662 | 20 E 112th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
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