Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60607
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Nations United Baptist Church | 773-538-1200 | 924 W 53rd | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Center | 312-243-7400 | 1335 W Harrison St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Ashland Addison Florist Co | 312-432-1800 | Northwestern Memoria | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Bethel House of Prayer | 773-660-9490 | 10 W 110th | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Church | 312-243-5190 | 14 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Church Goods Co | 312-332-1634 | 801 W Jackson Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church | 773-924-3232 | 45th Pl & Princeton | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
First Immanuel Lutheran Church | 312-733-6886 | 1124 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
First Immanuel Lutheran Church Internat | 312-432-9134 | 1134 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
First Saint Paul's Evangelical Lut | 312-642-7172 | 1301 N Lasalle Goethe | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Jeffery Manor South Deering Communi | 773-363-7949 | 1743 E 71st | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 773-506-7300 | 4036 W Paulina | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
John Paul II Catholic Student Center | 312-226-1880 | 700 S Morgan St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Lacross Baptist Church Inc | 773-924-2099 | 525 E 46th | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Lively Stone Church of God in Christ | 773-291-9915 | 735 E 134th | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Original St Clair Missionary Bapt | 773-488-6287 | 218 E 69th | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Philadelphia Baptist Church | 773-731-6733 | 1142 E 82nd | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Presbytery of Chgo | 312-243-8300 | 100 S Morgan St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Rhema Word Church | 773-378-4327 | PO Box 390606 | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
St Mark's Evan Luth Ch | 773-723-2246 | 655 E 88th | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
West Englewood United Methodist Churc | 773-737-0692 | 2000 W 68th | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
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