Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60608
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adalbert Church | 312-850-2919 | 1628 W 17th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Center | 773-247-0070 | 2434 S California Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Archdiocese of Chicago Pastoral Center | 312-243-1135 | 1850 S Throop St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Christ Centered Ministrie | 312-421-4196 | 1211 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Church of Jesus | 312-226-1659 | 2051 W 18th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 312-567-9077 | 2705 S Archer Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Great Hope Family Center | 773-247-4458 | 2622 W Cermak Rd | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Greater Mt Sinai Missionary Bapt | 312-226-5700 | 1421 W Washburne Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Holy Corinthians Baptist Church | 773-376-2266 | 2301 S California Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Holy Cross Luth Ch | 773-523-3838 | 3116 S Racine Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Iglesia Bautista Berea | 312-491-1760 | 1924 S Leavitt St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Lincoln Methodist Ch | 773-847-7282 | 2009 W 22nd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Mt Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church | 773-521-1700 | 2625 W Ogden Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
New Upper Room Baptist Church | 773-762-6931 | 2709 W Roosevelt Rd | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
New Zion Missionary Baptist Church | 312-733-1262 | 1252 S Wolcott Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Resurrection Power Church | 312-942-2499 | 2431 W Roosevelt Rd | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Society of Helpers of the Holy Souls | 773-523-8638 | 3206 S Aberdeen St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
St Matthew Luth Ch | 773-847-6458 | 2108 W 21st St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
St Stephenson Church | 312-243-5968 | 1317 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Zion Hill M B C Chicago West | 312-226-4823 | 1255 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
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