Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60609
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anointed International Christian Cente | 773-471-1000 | 4926 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Apostolic House of Prayer | 773-434-2300 | 4952 S Paulina St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Ashland & 35th | 773-523-8564 | 1600 W 35th St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Baptize Mission Mb Church | 773-285-0388 | 5105 S Union Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Berean Baptist Church | 773-924-4349 | 5147 S Dearborn St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Bethany Bapt Ch | 773-523-7911 | 3532 S Hoyne Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Bible Way Mission | 773-624-8529 | 1315 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Body of Christ Mb Church | 773-925-8230 | 5246 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Calvary Temple Baptist Church | 773-548-7473 | 4426 S Princeton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Christ Tabernacle Baptist Church | 773-548-2011 | 534 W Garfield Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Christ Temple Church of God | 773-776-3834 | 5252 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Church of the Firstborn | 773-863-8219 | 1938 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Disciples of Christ Full Gospel Chu | 773-927-0392 | 5111 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Ebenezer House of Prayer | 773-373-3519 | 911 W 50th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Eureka Missionary Baptist Church | 773-536-3904 | 5403 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Faith Ministry Baptist Church | 773-434-1440 | 5240 S Damen Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
For Your Consciousness Ministry | 773-476-0847 | 1923 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Fountain of Life Church of God in Chris | 773-538-3604 | 4363 S Princeton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Good Seed Ministries | 773-548-4795 | 600 W Garfield Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Greater Emanuel Missionary Bapt | 773-538-5448 | 5141 S Princeton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Greater Harvest Bapt Ch | 773-924-7766 | 5121 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Greater Lily Baptist Church | 773-268-5996 | 4823 S Princeton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Greater Peters Rock Missionary Bapt | 773-924-0510 | 4723 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Greater Shiloh M B Church | 773-538-1917 | 5115 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Greater True Love Mb Church | 773-579-0376 | 5129 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Holy Cross Church | 773-376-4422 | 4557 S Wood St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Holy Cross Immaculate Heart of Mary Y | 773-247-9848 | 4545 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
House of Prayer for All People Church O | 773-624-9235 | 5159 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Jerusalem Bapt Church | 773-373-7638 | 4218 S Wentworth Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Kingdom Ministry Inc | 773-548-6590 | 5413 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Light House Glorious Apostolic Churc | 773-624-6619 | 4601 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Love Cathedral Community Churc | 773-548-5600 | 5112 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Mt Carmel Children of God Baptist Chu | 773-863-1220 | 5135 S Damen Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
New Eclipse Baptist Church | 773-548-5122 | 715 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
New Hope Missionary Bapt Ch | 773-268-0155 | 4942 S Princeton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
New Philadelphia Church Bapist | 773-538-0571 | 5430 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
New Philadelphia Church Baptist | 773-924-5975 | 5452 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Original Holy Ark Church | 773-624-7643 | 5338 S Morgan St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Outreach Miracle Temple | 773-434-4024 | 1833 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Pillar of Truth Evangelistic Ch | 773-624-7069 | 5154 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Pleasant Valley Bapt Ch | 773-548-4780 | 4467 S Wells St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Progressive Baptist Church | 773-268-6048 | 3658 S Wentworth Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Revealing Missionary Baptist Church | 773-268-6867 | 5117 S Racine Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Southwest Church of Christ | 773-254-9741 | 1359 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Spirit of Faith M B Church | 773-436-3457 | 5259 S Honore St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
St Matthew Baptist Church | 773-285-7050 | 4511 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Starlight M B Church | 773-268-4544 | 725 W 43rd St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
The Chicago-Salem Church | 773-624-2552 | 4718 S Union Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Trinity Tabernacle Baptist Church | 773-548-0566 | 4501 S Princeton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Union Avenue United Methodist Churc | 773-373-0577 | 4356 S Union Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
United House of Prayer for All People | 773-268-8542 | 4359 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Victory Outreach Spanish Ministr | 773-254-4035 | 5025 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Way Church The | 773-247-4416 | 4416 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
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