Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60613
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany United | 773-935-3885 | 4242 N Paulina St | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Bethany United Church of Christ | 773-472-0729 | 4250 N Paulina St | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Chgo Chinese Baptist Church | 773-549-9294 | 1433 W Pensacola Ave | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
City Vineyard Christian Church | 773-281-1980 | 3918 N Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Faith Church Incorporated | 773-525-8480 | 817 W Grace St | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Ch | 773-248-1233 | 1218 W Addison St | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Lake Shore Baptist Church | 773-281-6760 | 4100 N Greenview Ave | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Lake View Academy | 773-281-3065 | 716 W Addison St | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Lake View Lutheran Church | 773-327-1427 | 835 W Addison St | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Nigerian Islamic Association of | 773-665-2451 | 932 W Sheridan Rd | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Organization by Design | 773-929-0164 | 3711 N Pine Grove Ave | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran Church | 773-477-4824 | 4300 N Winchester Ave | Chicago | IL | 60613 |
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