Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60615
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bernadin Center for Catholicismd Am | 773-684-1056 | 5401 S Cornell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Cathedral Missionary Baptist Church | 773-548-1790 | 4821 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Center for the Study of Religious Life | 773-752-2720 | 5420 S Cornell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Chgo Center for Religion & Scie | 773-753-0670 | 1100 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Chicago Baptist Institute | 773-268-2250 | 5120 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Christian Tabernacle Church | 773-548-2500 | 4712 S Prairie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 773-493-5925 | 5200 S University Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Cosmopolitan Community Church | 773-536-3682 | 5249 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Croatian Ethnic Institute | 773-373-4670 | 4851 S Drexel Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Croatian Franciscan Friars | 773-373-3463 | 4848 S Ellis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Ellis Avenue Church | 773-268-4910 | 5001 S Ellis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Fathers of St Charles | 773-684-5230 | 5121 S University Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
First Baptist Church of Chicago | 773-536-3430 | 935 E 50th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
First Tabernacle Community Churc | 773-924-5601 | 4959 S Washington Park Ct | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
First Unity Baptist Church | 773-285-1060 | 5129 S Indiana Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Focolare Movement | 773-285-2746 | 5001 S Greenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
God Squad Inc | 773-548-0400 | 4941 S Drexel Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Greater Bethesda Bapt Ch | 773-373-3188 | 5301 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Greater King David Baptist Church | 773-285-6461 | 4921 S Prairie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Greater Mt Moriah | 773-624-3100 | 214 E 50th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Holy Trinity Baptist Church | 773-285-9648 | 5416 S Calumet Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Hopeful M B Ch | 773-285-2285 | 5347 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Hyde Park & Kenwood Interfaith Coun | 773-752-1911 | 1448 E 53rd St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Hyde Park Alliance Church | 773-752-0469 | 5139 S Dorchester Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Hyde Park Christian Reformed Ch | 773-288-2677 | 5144 S Cornell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Hyde Park Vineyard Contemporary Ch | 773-684-4899 | 1340 E 55th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Institute for Spiritual Leadership | 773-752-5962 | 5498 S Kimbark Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 773-268-6757 | 4849 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
New Galilee Missionary Baptist Church | 773-538-0277 | 5001 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Old Friendship Missionary Bapt | 773-538-8220 | 544 E 50th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Priests of the Sacred Heart | 773-752-2325 | 5306 S Blackstone Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Progressive Community Center of the P | 773-538-2677 | 56 E 48th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Refuge & Strength Full Gospel Assembly | 773-538-5993 | 4729 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Saint John Church Baptist | 773-536-3215 | 4821 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Tangee Inc | 773-955-5175 | 5306 S Hyde Park Blvd Ofc | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
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