Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60625
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Africa Community United Methodist Churc | 773-784-3370 | 4754 N Leavitt St | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Bowmanville Bapt Ch | 773-878-1976 | 5301 N Lincoln Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Cafe Selmarie | 773-989-5595 | 4729 N Lincoln Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Chgo Korean Church | 773-271-0241 | 2626 W Foster Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Chgo Milal Church | 773-539-3810 | 4500 N Spaulding Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church | 773-478-7941 | 3253 W Wilson Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Christian the Community Church | 773-275-9201 | 2135 W Wilson Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 773-583-4702 | 5100 N Springfield Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Cross and Crown Church | 773-267-7100 | 3707 W Ainslie St | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Elim Romanian Pentecostal Chu | 773-509-0081 | 4850 N Bernard St | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Evangelical Covenant Church The | 773-506-6518 | 5101 N Francisco Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Full Gospel Grace Church | 773-463-5959 | 5224 N Kedzie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Holy Nation Presbyterian Ch | 773-509-1212 | 3434 W Foster Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
House of Wedding | 773-463-2001 | 3451 W Lawrence Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Jones Richmond A Designer | 773-588-4900 | 2530 W Eastwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Luther Memorial Ch Lca | 773-539-3018 | 2500 W Wilson Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Mission Independent Baptist Church | 773-267-9132 | 2607 W Leland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Overflow Ministries | 773-583-8085 | 3311 W Foster Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Queen of Angels Gym | 773-539-7730 | 4416 N Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Queen of Angels Parish Offices | 773-539-7510 | 4412 N Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Ravenswood Baptist Church | 773-561-6576 | 4455 N Seeley Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Rivers of Living Water Christian Cente | 773-463-0359 | 4904 N Troy St | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Seminary of the Christian | 773-907-2271 | 2014 W Sunnyside Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Sisters of St Francis | 773-561-1536 | 4927 N Claremont Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church | 773-478-0196 | 3542 W Sunnyside Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
Vo Graphics | 773-275-5463 | 4960 N Damen Ave | Chicago | IL | 60625 |
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