Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60629
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Assembley Segunda | 773-434-2690 | 3344 W 64th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Apostolic Faith Church | 773-863-1287 | 3301 W 62nd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Calvary Hill Baptist Church | 773-776-7299 | 2617 W 71st St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Calvary Lutheran Church | 773-767-7400 | 6149 S Kenneth Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Chgo Lawn United Methodist Churc | 773-436-3806 | 3500 W 63rd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Christ Embassy Chicago | 773-884-4006 | 3758 W 56th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Christian Fellowship Church | 773-581-7415 | 4220 W 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Effective Living Ministries | 773-436-4776 | 7155 S Richmond St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
First Baptist Church of Marquette | 773-778-0611 | 6003 S California Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 773-581-0096 | 4200 W 62nd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
His Word To All Nations | 773-778-1330 | 6210 S Saint Louis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Holy Family Church | 773-585-0259 | 6545 S Springfield Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Hope Lutheran School | 773-776-9849 | 6416 S Washtenaw Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
House of Praise Fellowship | 773-434-3933 | 6640 S Kedzie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Lithuanian Evangelical Lutheran Home C | 773-471-1599 | 6641 S Troy St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church | 773-737-7082 | 3250 W 60th St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
New Life & Love Full Gospel Church | 773-925-3445 | 2517 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
New Rose of Sharon Missionary Bapt | 773-436-3551 | 5844 S Rockwell St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Rhema Ocwc | 773-471-6586 | 2502 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
St Mary Star of the Sea Parish Center | 773-581-4707 | 4626 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
T N T F G Baptist Church | 773-776-6742 | 2415 W Lithuanian Plaza Ct | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
The Way of Truth Church Baptist | 773-925-9351 | 6458 S California Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Trinity Baptist Church of Chicago | 773-735-0880 | 6715 S Hamlin Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Victory Outreach Spanish | 773-476-9428 | 2809 W 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Voice of Triumph Ministries Inc | 773-471-3370 | 2818 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
West Lawn Baptist Church | 773-284-6451 | 4025 W 64th St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
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