Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60634
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abc Special Occasion Shower Shop | 773-237-7467 | 5649 W Belmont Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Chgo Latvian Ev Luth Zion Congregati | 773-282-0711 | 6551 W Montrose Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Christ Luth Ch | 773-237-3148 | 3101 N Parkside Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Community of Christ | 773-725-7377 | 5701 W Montrose Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Didi Hall Catering | 773-725-1717 | 6218 W Belmont Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Faith Community Presbyterian Ch | 773-625-1153 | 3900 N Plainfield Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Faith Family Worship Center | 773-637-2422 | 6535 W Barry Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Forest Preserve Bible Church | 773-625-7891 | 7430 W Forest Preserve Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Garden Terrace | 773-736-1131 | 6330 W Irving Park Rd | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Grace Evan Free Ch | 773-637-5440 | 3105 N Oak Park Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Islamic Community Center of Illin | 773-637-3755 | 6435 W Belmont Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Islamic Community Youth Center of Illin | 773-637-6511 | 6501 W Belmont Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Jeannie's Let's Celebrate | 773-625-0233 | 3950 N Harlem Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Martin Luther Ch | 773-777-8821 | 6850 W Addison St | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 773-202-8188 | 6201 W Patterson Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Our Saviour Lutheran Church | 773-736-1120 | 3457 N Neva Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Portage Park Gospel Chapel | 773-736-0171 | 5614 W Dakin St | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
School Sisters of St Frances Ministr | 773-685-0187 | 7011 W Addison St | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Silent Prayer Sanctuary | 773-725-1747 | 6343 W Cuyler Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
St John of Rila Bulgarian Churc | 773-427-8155 | 5944 W Cullom Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
St Michael Luth Ch | 773-625-7165 | 8200 W Addison St | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
Trinity Christian Fellowship | 773-205-5522 | 7000 W Belmont Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
United in Faith | 773-283-2326 | 6526 W Irving Park Rd | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
University Bible Fellowship Wrig | 773-282-8287 | 4065 N Narragansett Ave | Chicago | IL | 60634 |
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