Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chicago, IL 60649
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Passion for Christ Ministries | 773-324-6899 | 2253 E 71st St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Branch of the Vine | 773-374-9901 | 7783 S Exchange Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Bryn Mawr Community Ch | 773-324-2403 | 7000 S Jeffery Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Burgie Hosea Rev | 773-768-8423 | 7262 S Coles Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Church of Living Faith The | 773-375-8533 | 2255 E 75th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Church of Living Faith The | 773-374-5523 | 1853 E 79th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Enduring Faith Christian Cente | 773-493-1070 | 2252 E 73rd St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
First Christian Assembly | 773-731-2323 | 2333 E 75th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
First Star Missionary Baptist Church | 773-731-2141 | 7845 S Muskegon Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Free Salvation Mb Church | 773-731-4036 | 7549 S Phillips Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
God First | 773-667-5200 | 2110 E 73rd St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Greater Metropolitan Church of Chris | 773-768-1876 | 2430 E 75th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Israel of God The | 773-374-6413 | 2515 E 75th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Labor of Love Apostolic Church | 773-734-7207 | 2800 E 79th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Macedonia Peace & Love Church | 773-374-2778 | 7849 S Escanaba Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Million Man March Inc | 773-667-6031 | 7400 S Stony Island Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Mountain of the Lord Worldwide Minis | 773-734-0093 | 2810 E 79th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Nehemiah Urban Church Ministries | 773-955-1377 | 7359 S Chappel Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
New Hope Christian Learning Center | 773-955-1772 | 2201 E 70th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
New Nationwide Property Rentals | 773-288-0560 | 1865 E 71st St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
New Original Church of God in Christ | 773-978-0947 | 1750 E 78th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
New Spiritual Light Missionary Bapt | 773-374-8373 | 7566 S South Shore Dr | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
South Shore Baptist Church | 773-734-2933 | 7877 S Coles Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
South Shore Bible Baptist Church | 773-752-3778 | 7159 S Cornell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
South Shore Community Church | 773-721-5905 | 7401 S Yates Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
St John Church Temple | 773-768-2237 | 2139 E 79th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Straightway Temple of God Baptist Chu | 773-364-5049 | 2726 E 79th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Temple of Brotherly Love Community | 773-221-3676 | 1843 E 77th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
True Church of God & Christ Mb Churc | 773-375-0246 | 2450 E 75th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Windsor Park Evangelical Lut | 773-768-1812 | 2619 E 76th St | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
Worldwide Federation of Churches Commun | 773-256-1972 | 7206 S Crandon Ave | Chicago | IL | 60649 |
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