Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Des Plaines, IL 60016
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Des Plaines IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A American Av Limousine Service | 847-718-1234 | 997 Lee St | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Bethesda Worship Center | 847-299-7729 | 1280 E Algonquin Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Brentwood Christian Academy | 847-298-3399 | 588 Dara James Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Casa Royale | 847-438-0025 | 783 Lee St | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Chateau Rand Banquets | 847-827-7766 | 900 Rand Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Christ Church Ucc | 847-297-4230 | 1492 Henry Ave | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 847-299-4201 | 382 S Mount Prospect Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Christian Science Society | 847-824-1904 | 1395 E Prairie Ave | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Cumberland Bakery | 847-827-7810 | NW Highway & Mt P | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Des Plaines Bible Church | 847-297-2525 | 946 E Thacker St | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Faith Bible Church | 847-298-4197 | 355 Bellaire Ave | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
First Congregational Church | 847-299-5561 | 766 Graceland Ave | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
First United Methodist Church of Des P | 847-827-5561 | 666 Graceland Ave | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Golf Road Baptist Church | 847-364-0530 | 501 W Golf Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Good News Community Church | 847-390-5840 | 809 Lee St | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 847-824-3652 | 855 Lee St | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Islamic Community Center | 847-827-9409 | 480 Potter Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Of Praise Church Tabernacle | 847-298-6759 | 556 Arlington Ave | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Plaines Bible Church | 847-257-0297 | 955 Rose Ave | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Sae Khwang United Presbyterian Ch | 847-437-1743 | 800 Beau Dr | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
St John the Baptist-Gy | 847-827-5510 | 2350 E Dempster St | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Tenrikyo Midwest Church Inc | 847-394-5707 | 395 W Golf Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Elca | 847-827-6656 | 675 E Algonquin Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
Unity Northwest Church | 847-297-0997 | 259 E Central Rd | Des Plaines | IL | 60016 |
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