Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Evanston, IL 60201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Evanston IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Ame Churches | 847-864-4264 | 1744 Darrow Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 847-328-9454 | 1334 Wesley Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Calvary Bapt Ch | 847-864-1248 | 1431 Elmwood Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Christ Temple Missionary Bapt | 847-475-4452 | 2045 Brown Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Christian Science Churches and Re | 847-475-5676 | 1936 Central St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Christian Science Churches and Re | 847-864-6477 | 2715 Hurd Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Paris | 847-864-5863 | 2122 Sheridan Rd | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Cooper David E Rev | 847-328-7182 | 2727 Crawford Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Cpm | 847-424-0945 | 607 Lake St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Ebenezer African Methodist Episc | 847-328-1707 | 1109 Emerson St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Emmanuel United Methodist Churc | 847-864-9637 | 1401 Oak Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Episcopal Churches Evanston | 847-328-4751 | 1930 Darrow Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Evanston Bible Fellowship | 847-328-5858 | 1702 Sherman Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Evanston Church of Christ | 847-864-4662 | 1305 McDaniel Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
First United Methodist Church of Evans | 847-864-6181 | 516 Church St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 847-733-9681 | 2201 Foster St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Gospel Chapel Church of Evanston | 847-733-1131 | 1808 Church St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 847-864-4464 | 616 Lake St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Lutheran Campus Ministry of | 847-864-7849 | 2204 Orrington Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 847-491-0810 | 2016 Emerson St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 847-864-9818 | 1113 Clark St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
New Hope Cme Church | 847-864-7873 | 1840 Grey Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Northminster Nursery School | 847-869-9210 | 2515 Central Park Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Premiere Eglise Evangelique Bap | 847-869-1140 | 1309 Elmwood Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Second Baptist Church | 847-869-6955 | 1717 Benson Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Sheil Center | 847-328-4648 | 2110 Sheridan Rd | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Springfield Baptist Church | 847-328-9778 | 1801 Emerson St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
St James Armenian Church | 847-864-6263 | 816 Clark St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
St Paul's Lutheran Church | 847-475-3403 | 1004 Greenwood St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church | 847-866-8101 | 1835 Brown Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
United Faith Missionary Baptist Church | 847-864-5810 | 1321 Foster St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Unity Church | 847-864-8977 | 3434 Central St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
University Christian Ministry | 847-864-2320 | 1834 Chicago Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship | 847-328-4533 | 2401 Brummel Pl | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Williams Memorial Temple Churchof | 847-328-7252 | 1423 Lake St | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
Zen Affiliate Center of Rochester | 847-475-3015 | 2029 Ridge Ave | Evanston | IL | 60201 |
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