Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Chicago, IL 60611
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Center for Dental Implants | 312-440-1840 | 900 N Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Aesthetic & Reconstructive | 312-943-6444 | 845 N Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Amer Dental Hygienists | 312-440-8900 | 444 N Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Ascher David A Dds | 312-266-9487 | 233 E Erie St | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Chicagoland Dental | 312-944-9700 | 625 N Michigan Ave Ste 1020 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Couvelis William J Dds | 312-321-7645 | 401 E Illinois St Ste 321 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Delaware Dental | 312-787-9555 | 1 E Delaware Pl Ste 205 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Fishman Steven Dds | 312-981-1171 | 676 N Michigan Ave Ste 3500 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Frericks William J Dds | 312-337-4424 | 500 N Michigan Ave Ste 520 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Grand Michigan Dentistry Pc | 312-527-4300 | 535 N Michigan Ave Ste 202 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Lynch Gerald R Dds | 312-649-5980 | 845 N Michigan Ave Ste 945W | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Moran Jennifer R Dds | 312-787-2131 | 845 N Michigan Ave Ste 951W | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Northwestern University | 312-274-3333 | 240 E Huron St | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Oak Street Dental | 312-642-0066 | 46 E Oak St Ste 350 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Seidman Sheldon Dds | 312-644-4321 | 400 N Michigan Ave Ste 1014 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Tannebaum Llc | 312-397-2626 | 875 N Michigan Ave Ste 2930 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Wojtowicz David E Dds | 312-649-8270 | 222 E Superior St | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
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