Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Park Ridge, IL 60068
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Park Ridge IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amedeo David Dds | 847-696-2019 | 2 W Talcott Rd Ste 17 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Anasinski Dorothy Dds | 847-685-6686 | 8216 W Oakton | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Anderson Brett Dds | 847-692-2303 | 318 W Touhy Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Anderson Donald B Dds | 847-824-3671 | 933 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Anderson Kenneth E Dds | 847-825-1724 | 912 Busse Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Arai Harold Y Dds Ms | 847-823-3141 | 101 S Washington Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Artisuk Alexander A Dds | 847-825-5977 | 770 Busse Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Artrip Michael J Dds | 847-292-2700 | 650 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Associates of Park Ridge Endodonti | 847-823-4161 | 111 S Washington Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Ballis Steve Dds | 847-823-6600 | 123 S Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Baluk Gregory Dds | 847-299-1016 | 2604 Dempster St Ste 203 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Barrett Kevin F Dds | 847-692-7350 | 150 Euclid Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Biasiello Michael J Dds | 847-825-1457 | 503 W Talcott Rd | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Bonk Edward L Dds | 847-823-9343 | 412 W Talcott Rd | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Children's Dentistry | 847-698-2088 | 101 S Washington Ave Ste 114 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Chiodo Anthony T | 847-825-2277 | 303 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Clinton Scott W Dds Pc | 847-698-2060 | 2024 Oakton St | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Cools Pamela A | 847-698-6233 | 711 Devon Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Davis & Engert Dentistry | 847-698-2161 | 20 Main St | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Dental Auxiliary Placement Servi | 847-696-1988 | 2 W Talcott Rd Ste 32 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Devon Dental Associates | 847-823-8888 | 823 Devon Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Di Franco Charles Dds Ms | 847-318-0066 | 511 W Talcott Rd | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Futris George J Dds Ltd | 847-699-1073 | 1600 Dempster St Ste 202 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Grauer Kuchta Dental Assoc | 847-696-3240 | 101 S Washington Ave Ste 135 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Imburgia Louis A Dds | 847-698-0888 | 1416 Canfield Rd | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Kassaraba Andrew Dds | 847-825-4212 | 705 Devon Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Lange Lloyd W | 847-825-6310 | 625 Devon Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Lofendo Peter F Dds | 847-825-2400 | 1715 Pavilion Way | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Maloney James Dds | 847-692-3030 | 946 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Mazukelli Michael Dds | 847-823-4045 | 954 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Moss Theodore L Dmd | 847-823-5010 | 137 Vine Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Park Ridge Dental Plaza | 847-825-4030 | 334 Busse Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Peterson Orthodontics | 847-698-2200 | 747 Devon Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Reither Randall Dds | 847-318-0900 | 800 Higgins Rd | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Rosenfeld & Assoc | 847-698-1180 | 1875 Dempster St Ste 250 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Rubino Ross E Dds & Associates | 847-825-1002 | 126 S Prospect Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Spilotro Dental Associates | 847-299-0557 | 2604 Dempster St Ste 202 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Wee Care Pediatric Dentistry Ltd | 847-518-9025 | 444 N Northwest Hwy Ste 245 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Westphal Gerald A Dds | 847-824-2786 | 1600 Dempster St Ste 212 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Wolf Mark R Dds Ltd | 847-390-8200 | 1580 N Northwest Hwy Ste 300 | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
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