Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Government in Chicago, IL 60611
* Each listing below of Government Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Austrian Trade Commission | 312-644-5556 | 500 N Michigan Ave Ste 1950 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Consulate General of Brazil | 312-464-0244 | 401 N Michigan Ave Ste 3050 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Consulate General of Italy | 312-467-1550 | 500 N Michigan Ave Ste 1850 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Consulate General of Korea | 312-822-0443 | 455 N Cityfront Plaza Dr Ste 2700 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Consulate General of Switzerland | 312-915-0061 | 737 N Michigan Ave Ste 2301 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Consulate General of Thailand | 312-664-3129 | 700 N Rush St | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Consulate General of Ukraine | 312-642-4388 | 10 E Huron St | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Consulate Genl of Greece | 312-335-3915 | 650 N Saint Clair St | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Irish Consulate Genl | 312-337-1868 | 400 N Michigan Ave Ste 911 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Italian Cultural Institute | 312-822-9545 | 500 N Michigan Ave Ste 1802 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
Quebec Delegation Chicago | 312-645-0392 | 444 N Michigan Ave Ste 1900 | Chicago | IL | 60611 |
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