Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60608
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Armour Philip D | 773-535-4530 | 950 W 33rd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Carole Robertson Center for Learning in | 312-243-7300 | 2020 W Roosevelt Rd | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Chalmers Thomas | 773-534-1720 | 2745 W Roosevelt Rd | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
City Colleges of Chicago | 773-843-4500 | 2800 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Cooper Dual Language Academy Peter | 773-534-7205 | 1624 W 19th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School | 773-890-6800 | 1852 W 22nd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
De La Cruz Middle Juana Ines | 773-535-4585 | 2317 W 23rd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Everett Edward | 773-535-4550 | 3419 S Bell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Finkl William F | 773-535-5850 | 2332 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Gladstone William E | 773-534-7266 | 1231 S Damen Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
H & R Block | 312-842-7749 | 3046 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
H & R Block | 773-650-1960 | 2054 W Cermak Rd | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
H & R Block | 773-376-0111 | 2406 W Cermak Rd | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Holden Charles N | 773-535-7200 | 1104 W 31st St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Inner City Education and Recreation | 312-421-5900 | 1076 W Roosevelt Rd | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Juarez Community Academy Benito | 773-534-7030 | 2150 S Laflin St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Jungman Joseph | 773-534-7375 | 1746 S Miller St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Medill Elementary Joseph | 773-534-7750 | 1301 W 14th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Octavio Paz Charter School | 312-432-1170 | 2651 W 23rd St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Perez Annex | 773-534-7695 | 2001 S Throop St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Perez Manuel | 773-534-7650 | 1241 W 19th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Pickard Josiah L | 773-535-7280 | 2301 W 21st Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Pilsen Comm Acad | 773-534-7675 | 1420 W 17th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Plamondon Ambrose | 773-534-1789 | 2642 W 15th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Ruiz Irma C | 773-535-4825 | 2410 S Leavitt St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7903 | 1315 S Blue Island Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-535-7002 | 2700 S California Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7811 | 1321 S Paulina St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7950 | 2031 S Peoria St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7180 | 1059 W 13th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7764 | 1326 W 14th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7310 | 1641 W 16th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7215 | 1645 W 18th St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-535-4590 | 1900 W 23rd St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-535-4849 | 1934 W 23rd St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-535-7298 | 911 W 32nd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7721 | 1921 W Washburne Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
Sisters of St Joseph | 312-842-4556 | 2867 S Throop St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
St Ann's Grade School | 312-829-4153 | 2211 W 18th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
St Barbara Grammar School | 312-326-6243 | 2830 S Quinn St | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
St Paul Our Lady of Vilna School | 773-847-6078 | 2114 W 22nd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
St Pius School | 312-226-1590 | 1919 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60608 |
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