Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60610
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Plus Resale & Thrift | 312-664-0704 | 855 N Mohawk St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Act One Studio Inc | 312-787-9384 | 640 N La Salle Dr Ste 535 | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Alliance Francaise De Chicago | 312-337-1070 | 810 N Dearborn St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Audition Centre The | 312-527-4566 | 20 W Hubbard St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Catherine Cook School | 312-266-3381 | 226 W Schiller St Ste 2 | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Chicago Portfolio School | 312-321-9250 | 25 W Hubbard St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Chicago Sinai Congregation | 312-867-7000 | 15 W Delaware Pl | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Feltre School | 312-255-1133 | 22 W Erie St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Franklin Fine Arts Center | 773-534-8510 | 225 W Evergreen Ave | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Illinois Institute of Technology | 312-595-4900 | 350 N La Salle Dr Unit 4 | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Immaculate Conception School | 312-944-0304 | 1431 N North Park Ave | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Jenner Academy of the Arts Edward | 773-534-8440 | 1119 N Cleveland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Manierre George | 773-534-8456 | 1420 N Hudson Ave | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Moody Bible Institute | 312-329-4000 | 820 N La Salle Dr | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Ogden William B | 773-534-8110 | 24 W Walton St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Payton College Prep High School Wal | 773-534-0034 | 1034 N Wells St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Schiller Middle Friedrick Von | 773-534-8490 | 640 W Scott St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Schools Public | 773-534-8580 | 1215 N Clybourn Ave | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Schools Public | 773-534-8330 | 1450 N Larrabee St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Schools Public | 773-534-8126 | 1409 N Ogden Ave | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Schools Public | 773-534-8120 | 1443 N Ogden Ave | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Schools Public | 773-534-8430 | 363 W Hill St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
Schools Public | 773-534-8310 | 160 W Wendell St | Chicago | IL | 60610 |
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