Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60612
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beidler Jacob | 773-534-6811 | 3151 W Walnut St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Best Practices High School | 773-534-7610 | 2040 W Adams St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Bethune McLeod Mary | 773-534-6890 | 3030 W Arthington St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Brown William H | 773-534-7250 | 54 N Hermitage Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Calhoun North John | 773-534-6940 | 2833 W Adams St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 312-850-1540 | 2511 W Maypole Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Career Theme-Focused Slc | 773-534-7550 | 2245 W Jackson Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Cather Willa | 773-534-6780 | 2908 W Washington Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Chicago Hope Academy | 312-491-1600 | 2189 W Bowler St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Children of Peace School | 312-243-8186 | 1900 W Taylor St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
City Colleges of Chicago | 312-850-7000 | 1900 W Van Buren St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Construction Technology | 773-534-6900 | 2935 W Polk St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Creative Claythings | 312-421-8000 | 2255 W Grand Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Dett R Nathaniel | 773-534-7160 | 2306 W Maypole Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Dodge Academy Mary Mapes | 773-534-6640 | 2651 W Washington Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Grant Community Academy Ulysses S | 773-534-7275 | 145 S Campbell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
International Institute of Biocl and Bm | 312-243-2016 | 729 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Irving Washington | 773-534-7295 | 749 S Oakley Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Jensen Scholastic Academy | 773-534-6840 | 3030 W Harrison St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
King William H | 773-534-7898 | 740 S Campbell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Mitchell School Ellen | 773-534-7655 | 2233 W Ohio St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Morton Career Acad | 773-534-6791 | 431 N Troy St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Octavio Paz Charter School | 312-432-1170 | 2401 W Congress Pkwy | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Rudolph Learning Center Wilma | 773-534-7460 | 110 N Paulina St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6602 | 751 S Sacramento Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Schools Public | 773-534-4577 | 2315 W Erie St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7806 | 2131 W Monroe St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7722 | 2232 W Race Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7400 | 1628 W Washington Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
Schools Public | 773-534-7685 | 2022 W Washington Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
St Malachy School | 312-733-2252 | 2252 W Washington Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
University of Illinois at Chicago | 312-413-5200 | 828 S Wolcott Ave | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
University of Illinois at Chicago | 312-996-8974 | 1750 W Polk St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
University of Illinois at Chicago | 312-355-6400 | 1933 W Polk St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
University of Illinois Medical at Chcg | 312-996-6933 | 801 S Paulina St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
University of Illinois Medical at Chcg | 312-355-2740 | 1801 W Taylor St | Chicago | IL | 60612 |
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