Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60615
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Akiba Schechter Jewish Day School | 773-493-8880 | 5235 S Cornell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Alcona Montessori School | 773-548-3099 | 4770 S Dorchester Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Board of Education | 773-924-3992 | 5015 S Blackstone Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Burke Edmund | 773-535-1325 | 5356 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Canter Middle School Miriam | 773-535-1410 | 4959 S Blackstone Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Chicago Association for Retarded Citize | 773-241-5700 | 5333 S Greenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Childrens Rendez'vous | 773-924-2832 | 5039 S Greenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Dusable H S Jean Baptiste Point | 773-535-1100 | 4934 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Dyett Academic Ctr Walter H | 773-535-1825 | 555 E 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
H & R Block | 773-643-1690 | 1412 E 53rd St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Hales Franciscan High School | 773-285-8400 | 4930 S Cottage Grove Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Hyde Park Kenwood School of Music | 773-285-1771 | 4937 S Kimbark Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Kozminski C A Charles | 773-535-0980 | 936 E 54th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Murray Language Academy | 773-535-0585 | 5335 S Kenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Overton Anthony | 773-535-1430 | 221 E 49th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Overton Cpc Anthony | 773-535-1811 | 4935 S Indiana Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Reavis William Claude | 773-535-1060 | 834 E 50th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Schools Public | 773-535-1764 | 1330 E 50th St | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
St Thomas the Apostle Grade School | 773-667-1142 | 5467 S Woodlawn Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
Stanley Maria Inc | 773-256-0982 | 5306 S Maryland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
University Circle Home Owners Associat | 773-667-0729 | 5230 S University Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
University of Chicago Dorchester Plac | 773-324-5392 | 5118 S Dorchester Ave | Chicago | IL | 60615 |
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