Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60616
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints St Anthony's Hall | 312-326-9301 | 512 W 28th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
De Lasalle Institute | 312-842-7355 | 3455 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Doolittle East James R | 773-535-1040 | 535 E 35th St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Drake John B | 773-534-9129 | 2722 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Dunbar Vocational Career Academy | 773-534-9000 | 3000 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
H & R Block | 312-808-1093 | 456 E 35th St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Haines John C | 773-534-9200 | 247 W 23rd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Healy Annex Robert | 773-534-9170 | 3040 S Parnell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Healy Robert | 773-534-9190 | 3010 S Parnell Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Illinois College of Optometry | 312-225-1700 | 3241 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Illinois Institute of Technology | 312-567-3000 | 3300 S Federal St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Lincoln's Challenge | 312-842-7729 | 1910 S Calumet Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Loop Lab School | 312-225-3530 | 3313 S Indiana Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Pershing Magnet Sch for Humanities J J | 773-534-9272 | 3113 S Rhodes Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Schools Public | 773-535-1050 | 521 E 35th St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Schools Public | 773-534-9727 | 2641 S Calumet Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Schools Public | 773-534-9263 | 3200 S Calumet Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Schools Public | 773-534-9065 | 2149 S Clark St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Schools Public | 773-534-9160 | 2710 S Dearborn St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Schools Public | 773-534-9050 | 2701 S Shields Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Schools Public | 773-534-9257 | 2347 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Schools Public | 773-534-9120 | 533 W 27th St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
St Jerome's Catholic School | 312-842-7668 | 2801 S Princeton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
St Lucy School | 312-326-1839 | 3017 S Wells St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
St Therese Schl | 312-326-2837 | 247 W 23rd St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
Vandercook College of Music | 312-225-6288 | 3140 S Federal St | Chicago | IL | 60616 |
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