Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60619
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ammons Nursery Kindergarten | 773-483-7040 | 549 E 76th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Ashe Arthur | 773-535-3550 | 8505 S Ingleside Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Athletes Foot | 773-734-6205 | 1301 E 87th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Avalon Park | 773-535-6615 | 8045 S Kenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Betty Shabazz International C | 773-651-1221 | 7825 S Ellis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Burnside Scholastic Academy | 773-535-3300 | 650 E 91st Pl | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Chatham Avalon Nursery School & Kinder | 773-783-2357 | 26 E 79th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Christian School | 773-221-0807 | 7651 S South Chicago Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Deneen Charles S | 773-535-3035 | 7240 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Gillespie Frank L | 773-535-5065 | 9301 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Greater Emmanuel Community Churc | 773-994-5373 | 618 E 72nd St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
H & R Block | 773-994-5909 | 435 E 79th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
H & R Block | 773-768-8911 | 1509 E 87th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
H & R Block | 773-783-0900 | 8615 S Cottage Grove Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Hirsch Metro Sch of Communi Emil G | 773-535-3100 | 7740 S Ingleside Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Joanie's Nursery & Kindergarten | 773-994-3480 | 854 E 79th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Madison James | 773-535-0551 | 7433 S Dorchester Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
McDade Classical James E | 773-535-3669 | 8801 S Indiana Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
McDowell Mary E | 773-535-6404 | 1419 E 89th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Mel Glo Daycare Center & Kindergarten | 773-783-9851 | 8855 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Neil Jane A | 773-535-3000 | 8555 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Pirie Elementary | 773-535-3435 | 650 E 85th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Prologue Williams Youth Center | 773-723-9630 | 9035 S Langley Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Revere Paul | 773-535-0618 | 1010 E 72nd St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Ruggles Martha M | 773-535-3085 | 7831 S Prairie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Schools Public | 773-535-7660 | 1140 E 87th St | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Schools Public | 773-535-3869 | 7350 S Evans Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Schools Public | 773-535-6229 | 9129 S Greenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Schools Public | 773-535-6173 | 8015 S Kenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Schools Public | 773-535-3831 | 8306 S Saint Lawrence Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
Schools Public | 773-535-6225 | 9130 S University Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
St Ailbe Schl | 773-734-1386 | 9037 S Harper Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
St Columbanus School | 773-224-3811 | 7120 S Calumet Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
St Dorothy's Schl | 773-783-0555 | 7740 S Eberhart Ave | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
St Felicitas School | 773-721-0858 | 1501 E 83rd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60619 |
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