Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60624
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Academy of Communications | 773-626-4200 | 4319 W Washington Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Al Raby School for Comm Enviro | 773-534-6755 | 3545 W Fulton Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Allied Health | 773-534-6455 | 3250 W Adams St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Applies Arts Science Tech Acad | 773-534-6500 | 730 N Pulaski Rd | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Artspace Chicago Limited Partner | 773-826-1707 | 15 S Homan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Bethel Lutheran Church & Schl | 773-533-3636 | 4215 W West End Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Delano Edward C | 773-534-6620 | 3937 W Wilcox St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Ericson Scholastic Academy Leif | 773-534-6660 | 3600 W 5th Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Faraday Michael | 773-534-6670 | 3250 W Monroe St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Fifth City Preschool | 773-826-8686 | 3411 W 5th Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Frazier Edward Franklin | 773-534-6880 | 4027 W Grenshaw St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Goldblatt Nathan R | 773-534-6860 | 4257 W Adams St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Gregory John | 773-534-6820 | 3715 W Polk St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Hefferan Helen M | 773-534-6192 | 4409 W Wilcox St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
L E A R N Charter School | 773-722-0200 | 1132 S Homan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Marconi Community Academy Gugliel | 773-534-6210 | 230 N Kolmar Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Melody Genevieve | 773-534-6850 | 412 S Keeler Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Metropolitan Primary Academy | 773-379-0790 | 4540 W Washington Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Morse Tech Samuel F B | 773-534-6680 | 620 N Sawyer Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Our Lady of the Westside Cathol | 773-638-6555 | 3900 W Lexington St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Providence St Mel Development | 773-722-0282 | 119 S Central Park Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Ryerson Martin A | 773-534-6700 | 646 N Lawndale Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6870 | 627 N Harding Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6746 | 223 N Keeler Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6440 | 410 N Monticello Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6990 | 715 S Kildare Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6585 | 614 S Lawndale Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6453 | 619 S Spaulding Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6730 | 4320 W 5th Ave | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6925 | 4055 W Arthington St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6400 | 3301 W Franklin Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6450 | 3905 W Wilcox St | Chicago | IL | 60624 |
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