Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60637
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Academy of Art & Sciences Midw | 773-753-8162 | 5801 S Kenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
American Institute of Indian Studies | 773-702-8638 | 1130 E 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Blue Gargoyle Youth Service Center | 773-955-4108 | 5638 S Woodlawn Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Brownell Charles S | 773-535-3030 | 6741 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Carmelite Fathers | 773-324-1020 | 6428 S Dante Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Carnegie Andrew | 773-535-0530 | 1414 E 61st Pl | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Carter William W | 773-535-0860 | 5740 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Certs | 773-535-0880 | 6220 S Stony Island Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Chicago Sda Academy | 773-873-3005 | 7008 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Colleges & Universities | 773-702-1234 | 5801 S Ellis Ave Ste 2 | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Dulles John Foster | 773-535-0690 | 6311 S Calumet Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Dumas Alexandre | 773-535-0750 | 6650 S Ellis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Fermi Enrico | 773-535-0540 | 1415 E 70th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Fiske John | 773-535-0990 | 6145 S Ingleside Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Harte Bret | 773-535-0870 | 1556 E 56th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
McCormick Theological Seminary | 773-241-7877 | 5555 S Woodlawn Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
McCosh James | 773-535-0570 | 6543 S Champlain Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Orthogenic School | 773-702-1203 | 1365 E 60th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Park Manor | 773-535-3070 | 7037 S Rhodes Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Ray William H | 773-535-0970 | 5631 S Kimbark Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Ross Betsy | 773-535-0650 | 6059 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Schools Public | 773-535-0798 | 30 E 61st St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Schools Public | 773-535-0801 | 6407 S Blackstone Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Schools Public | 773-535-0988 | 6148 S Ellis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Schools Public | 773-535-0802 | 6615 S Kenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Schools Public | 773-535-0780 | 6657 S Kimbark Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Schools Public | 773-535-0640 | 6020 S Langley Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Schools Public | 773-535-0730 | 6420 S University Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
St Anselm Jim Fisher Development Cen | 773-955-0950 | 6042 S Indiana Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-4085 | 1100 E 57th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-1201 | 956 E 58th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-8200 | 1025 E 58th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-9514 | 1155 E 58th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-834-1201 | 1010 E 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-8650 | 1116 E 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-3236 | 1362 E 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-753-2270 | 1414 E 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-1250 | 969 E 60th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-9494 | 1111 E 60th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-7700 | 1427 E 60th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-753-4483 | 5525 S Ellis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-1700 | 5555 S Ellis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-6815 | 5801 S Ellis Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-1722 | 5835 S Kimbark Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
The University of Chicago | 773-702-7369 | 5807 S Woodlawn Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
University of Chicago Aeromedical Net | 773-702-3222 | 5801 S Maryland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
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