Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Chicago, IL 60651
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Austin Career Education Center | 773-626-6988 | 5352 W Chicago Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Cameron Daniel R | 773-534-4290 | 1234 N Monticello Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Carmel B Harvey Jr Academic Prep C | 773-534-6400 | 3814 W Iowa St | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Casals Pablo | 773-534-4444 | 3501 W Potomac Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Chicago Association for Retarded Citize | 773-252-3320 | 4014 W Chicago Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Christ English Evan Luth Schl | 773-622-4563 | 5335 W Le Moyne St | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Comprehensive Community | 773-921-4183 | 1015 N Pine Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Connections | 773-534-4425 | 1040 N Keeler Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
H & R Block | 773-287-9500 | 5753 W Chicago Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Hay C A John | 773-534-6000 | 1018 N Laramie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Holy Family Lutheran School | 773-227-7572 | 4256 W Walton St | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Lewis Leslie | 773-534-3060 | 1431 N Leamington Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Lowell James Russell | 773-534-4300 | 3320 W Hirsch St | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Lutheran Social Services of Ill | 773-237-1930 | 1500 N Mason Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Maternity Bvm Catholic School | 773-227-1140 | 1537 N Lawndale Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
McKinney's Home Day Care Center | 773-626-3151 | 5745 W Division St | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Nobel Alfred | 773-534-4365 | 4127 W Hirsch St | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Northwest Institute for Contemporary Le | 773-921-2800 | 5108 W Division St | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
San Miguel School Gary Comer Campus | 773-261-8851 | 819 N Leamington Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Schools Public | 773-534-6200 | 1434 N Parkside Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Schools Public | 773-534-4940 | 1425 N Tripp Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Schools Public | 773-534-4315 | 3320 W Evergreen Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
Schools Public | 773-534-8980 | 4820 W Walton St | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
St Angela School | 773-626-2655 | 1332 N Massasoit Ave | Chicago | IL | 60651 |
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