Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Palatine, IL 60067
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Palatine IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Camelot Care Center | 847-359-5600 | 1502 W Northwest Hwy | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Creative Children's Academy | 847-202-8035 | 500 N Benton St | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Fremd High School | 847-755-2600 | 1000 S Quentin Rd | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Front Porch The | 847-358-5510 | 1760 W Algonquin Rd | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Gray M Sanborn School | 847-963-7000 | 101 N Oak St | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Harper College | 847-925-6000 | 1200 W Algonquin Rd | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Haskana Institute of Hair Design | 847-934-0190 | 341 W Northwest Hwy | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Hunting Ridge School | 847-963-5300 | 1105 W Illinois Ave | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Lincoln School | 847-963-5700 | 1021 N Ridgewood Ln | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Marion Jordan School | 847-963-5500 | 100 N Harrison Ave | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Northwest Suburban Career Co Opera | 847-755-6600 | 1750 S Roselle Rd | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Palatine Community Consolidated Sc | 847-963-3000 | 580N1 Bank Dr | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Palatine Community Consolidated Sc | 847-963-3700 | 1100 N Smith St | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Palatine Community Consolidated Sc | 847-963-5900 | 434 W Illinois Ave | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Palatine Community Consolidated Sc | 847-963-5800 | 225 W Washington St | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
School of Metaphysics | 847-991-0140 | 222 W Wilson St | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
Schools Public | 847-963-5100 | 3800 W Centrl Rd | Palatine | IL | 60067 |
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