Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Riverdale, IL 60827
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Riverdale IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldridge Ira F | 773-535-5614 | 630 E 131st St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Beacon Therapeutic School | 708-388-3183 | 12440 S Ada St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Burr Oak Acadeny | 708-824-3090 | 1440 W Vermont Ave | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Carver Middle George Washington | 773-535-5656 | 801 E 133rd Pl | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Carver Military Academy H S G W | 773-535-5250 | 13100 S Doty Ave | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Carver Primary George Washington | 773-535-5674 | 901 E 133rd Pl | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Chicago Nail School | 708-597-9999 | 1208 W 127th St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Dolton Riverdale S D # 148 | 708-841-2290 | 114 W 144th St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Dolton Riverdale S D #148 Park Schoo | 708-849-4123 | 14200 S Wentworth Ave | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Dolton Riverdale S D #148 Washiiingt | 708-201-2078 | 13900 S School St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Dolton Riverdale Sd #148 Jefferrrso | 708-841-2602 | 560 W 144th St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Dolton School District | 708-841-5371 | 325 W 142nd St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Dubois William E B | 773-535-5582 | 330 E 133rd St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Echo Joint Agreement | 708-841-5881 | 150 W 137th St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Pace Elementary Echo II | 708-389-9141 | 12731 Wood | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Prairie Hills Elementary Schl | 708-489-9743 | 12520 S Elizabeth St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Schools Public | 708-388-8010 | 1440 W 125th St | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Schools Public | 773-535-5718 | 902 E 133rd Pl | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
Schools Public | 708-201-4700 | 15121 Dorchester Ave | Riverdale | IL | 60827 |
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