Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Chicago, IL 60628
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
7 Seas Submarine | 773-785-0550 | 11216 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Bilhah's Kitchen Two | 773-995-9930 | 10658 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Bull's Submarine | 773-568-4990 | 152 W 103rd Pl | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Cal Harbor Restaurant & Lounge Inc | 773-264-5435 | 546 E 115th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Church's Fried Chicken Inc | 773-821-0875 | 200 E 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Coffee Pot | 773-468-3888 | 11518 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Dania's Gyros | 773-928-3266 | 425 W 115th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Danny's Tacos | 773-291-9147 | 11529 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Doctor C's Caribbean Cuisine | 773-779-8000 | 10226 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Fushing House | 773-445-6006 | 9801 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Harold's Chicken Shack | 773-821-9102 | 12700 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Harold's Chicken Shack #27 | 773-233-2042 | 10259 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Hook Fish & Chicken | 773-785-3580 | 350 E 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Hut Fish & Chicken The | 773-995-6368 | 200 W 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
I Fifty-Seven Rib House | 773-881-9700 | 9709 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
J & J Fish | 773-264-4910 | 10902 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
J & J Fish | 773-568-2532 | 154 W 95th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
J J Fish & Chicken | 773-468-1300 | 507 E 130th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
J J Fish & Chicken | 773-568-1900 | 11858 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
K W Spice Is Nice #2 | 773-445-8740 | 10536 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 773-238-8511 | 10200 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
King's Chop Suey | 773-995-1190 | 10912 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Little Papa's & Lemonade | 773-468-3400 | 11315 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 773-568-4663 | 11421 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 773-995-8560 | 600 E 115th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
McDonalds Phideb Corp Two | 773-568-7910 | 36 W 95th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
McDonalds Restaurants | 773-881-4245 | 9560 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
New Tea Garden Chop Suey | 773-468-0748 | 11342 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Original Maxwell Street Express | 773-568-2932 | 11656 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Pepe's Mexican Restaurants | 773-928-9069 | 11227 S State St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Pit-Stop Barbeque | 773-468-2766 | 65 W 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Popeye's Famous Fried Chicken | 773-995-0527 | 11350 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Ranch Steak House | 773-264-0320 | 11147 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Ready Ribs | 773-928-7427 | 144 E 127th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Ronnie Ribs | 773-785-8184 | 349 W 95th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
S & E Diner | 773-785-5923 | 11117 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Shark Fish Restaurant | 773-233-2223 | 9800 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Shark's Fish and Chicken | 773-264-4000 | 700 E 100th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Sharks | 773-264-8411 | 10956 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Sherniques Eggs on the Run | 773-785-4612 | 145 W 95th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Southchina Kitchen | 773-568-8822 | 11631 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Subway | 773-779-0310 | 10354 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 773-821-7827 | 240 E 103rd St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Taste of Chicago | 773-568-5841 | 11103 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Taste of Mexico | 773-291-9969 | 12303 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Taurus Flavors | 773-264-0794 | 38 E 112th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Taurus Flavors | 773-264-1760 | 10243 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Wendy's Restaurant | 773-928-1919 | 7 E 111th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Wendy's Restaurant | 773-264-7920 | 756 W 117th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
White Castle System Inc | 773-785-2517 | 11050 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
White Castle System Inc | 773-995-6618 | 10301 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
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