Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Park Ridge, IL 60068
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Park Ridge IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
6336 Corporation | 847-518-8447 | 18 East Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Al's Italian Beef | 847-318-7700 | 33 S Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Alroth's Restaurant | 847-692-2829 | 827 W Touhy Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Andrew's Open Pit and Spirits | 847-824-3800 | 2610 Dempster St | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Bailey's Restaurant & Bar | 847-698-1230 | 10 N Cumberland Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Blue Waves Restaurant | 847-696-3515 | 715 Devon Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Canton Tea Garden | 847-823-2818 | 805 Devon Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Combat Cyber Cafe | 847-692-4312 | 8 Devon Ave Ste B | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Engine No 9 Cafe | 847-692-0442 | 140 Euclid Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Goldies Restaurant Inc | 847-825-9725 | 1023 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Happy House Restaurant | 847-823-9701 | 144 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Hay Caramba Restaurant | 847-518-0747 | 122 S Prospect Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Jade House | 847-698-5525 | 650 N Northwest Hwy Ste C | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Johnnys Place | 847-823-7070 | 1129 W Touhy Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 847-698-3248 | 1120 W Touhy Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
La Tasca Tapas Restaurant | 847-698-4500 | 27 S Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Le Peep Grill | 847-318-7337 | 100 Euclid Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Maki Sushi and Noodle Shop | 847-318-1920 | 12 S Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Marriott Hotels Resorts Suites | 847-696-4400 | 6155 N River Rd | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Original Pancake House | 847-696-1381 | 106 S Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Panera Bread 657 | 847-696-1880 | 39 S Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Perry Mac's Restaurant | 847-696-2950 | 812 Higgins Rd | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Pi'ano-Pi'ano Ristorante | 847-692-1900 | 626 Busse Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Pickwick Restaurant | 847-823-7322 | 1 S Prospect Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Planet Smoothie | 847-825-0255 | 49 Summit Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Quiznos Classic Subs | 847-824-2433 | 2620 Dempster St | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Siam Thai Restaurant | 847-692-7290 | 104 Euclid Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Stencils & Stripes Unlimited Inc | 847-692-6893 | 1108 S Crescent Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Subway | 847-518-1251 | 627 Devon Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 847-692-7821 | 33 S Prospect Ave | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Wallys Restaurant of Park Ridge | 847-825-2214 | 1006 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
Walters Restaurant | 847-825-2240 | 28 Main St | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
White Hen Pantry | 847-823-3579 | 976 N Northwest Hwy | Park Ridge | IL | 60068 |
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