Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60607
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abj Community Services | 773-667-2100 | 1750 E 71st | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Ada S McKinley Community Servi | 312-554-0600 | 725 S Wells St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Aids Foundation of Chicago Inc | 312-922-2322 | 411 S Wells St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
American Red Cross | 312-421-5456 | 310 S Racine Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Booth Manor | 312-243-1271 | 1500 W Madison St Ofc | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Boy Scouts of America | 312-421-8800 | 1218 W Adams St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Caritas | 312-850-9411 | 140 N Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese | 312-655-7000 | 901 W Jackson Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Cdj | 312-492-0051 | 901 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Chgo Christian Industrial Leag | 312-421-0588 | 123 S Green St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Coalition for Consumer | 312-939-4811 | 4811 S Dearborn | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Council for Jewish Elderly | 773-508-1000 | 3003 Wtouhy Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Deborah's Place | 773-722-7472 | Jackson | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Father Kelly's Home for Homeless Boys | 312-738-7560 | 1140 W Jackson Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Haymarket Center | 312-226-7984 | 108 N Sangamon St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Haymarket Center | 312-226-4357 | 120 N Sangamon St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Lawrence Hall | 312-346-3383 | 65 W Wacker Pl | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly | 312-455-1000 | 355 N Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Parkinson United Foundation | 312-733-1893 | 833 W Washington Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Salvation Army | 312-666-8653 | 105 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Salvation Army The | 312-492-6803 | 1 N Ogden Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Salvation Army The | 312-421-1337 | 133 S Ashland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Salvation Army The | 312-421-5753 | 1515 W Monroe St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
St Vincent Depaul Thrift Store | 630-231-4658 | 213 Main St W | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
True To Life Inc | 773-374-7046 | 1712 E 87th | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Victories of the Heart | 312-604-5013 | 118 Clinton | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
West Side 2000 | 312-563-0565 | 1029 S May St | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
Women's Counseling Center | 773-561-3500 | Uptown Hull House | Chicago | IL | 60607 |
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