Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60609
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chicago Commons | 773-373-2900 | 1258 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Chicago Commons Association | 773-896-2356 | 5336 S Morgan St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Chicago Connection | 773-523-9328 | 3533 S Archer Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Chicago Housing Authority | 773-548-3002 | 4331 S Federal St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Chicago Youth Centers | 773-924-9630 | 3618 S State St Apt 106 | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Concerned Care Givers | 773-778-0240 | 5102 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Daniel J Nellum Youth Services | 773-927-9277 | 1458 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Firman Community Services | 773-373-7656 | 37 W 47th St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Firman Community Services | 773-373-3400 | 144 W 47th St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Franciscan Friars | 773-778-5955 | 5013 S Hermitage Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Genesis House | 773-376-3985 | 1434 W 51st St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Healthcare Alternative Systems Inc | 773-254-5141 | 4534 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Kelzer Care Center | 773-268-8344 | 5129 S Throop St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Latino Council on the Media | 773-523-4380 | 2011 W Pershing Rd | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
South Shore Seventh Day Adventist | 773-890-5903 | 3619 S Leavitt St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Su Casa Catholic Worker | 773-376-9263 | 5045 S Laflin St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Toys | 773-373-8251 | 5135 S Federal St | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
Union Ave Community Outreach | 773-924-5060 | 4350 S Union Ave | Chicago | IL | 60609 |
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