Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60617
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ada S McKinley Community Svc I | 773-731-4033 | 9135 S Brandon Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Centro Comunitario Juan Diego | 773-731-0109 | 8812 S Commercial Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Chicago Association for Retarded Citize | 773-731-1161 | 8701 S Bennett Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Community Mental Health Council Inc | 773-731-1400 | 8704 S Constance Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Dubois-Douglas Centres | 773-978-2500 | 8801 S Stony Island Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Hegewisch Community Committee | 773-303-4488 | 3524 E 106th St | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Jeffrey Manor Revitalization | 773-734-4246 | 9661 S Crandon Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Le Penseur Youth Services Inc | 773-375-8637 | 8550 S Manistee Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
McKinley Ada S Community Servi | 773-375-1999 | 2647 E 88th St | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Society of Helpers | 773-374-9670 | 8801 S Saginaw Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Spanish Coalition for Housing | 773-933-7575 | 9117 S Brandon Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Sullivan House Alternative Sch | 773-978-8680 | 8164 S South Chicago Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Uic Community Outreach Projects | 773-356-5920 | 8954 S Commercial Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
United Charities Community Livin | 773-978-7904 | 9001 S Commercial Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
Vernon Park Church of God Wyatt Cente | 773-721-6919 | 8950 S Stony Island Ave | Chicago | IL | 60617 |
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