Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60628
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Black on Black Love | 773-978-0868 | 9535 S Cottage Grove Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Brock | 773-291-0500 | 10302 S Corliss Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Chgo Roseland Coalition for Community C | 773-264-3500 | 11015 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Human Resourced Development | 773-291-0203 | 11320 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Human Resources Development Ins | 773-995-4605 | 51 E 104th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Human Resources Development Ins | 773-995-4628 | 10901 S Edbrooke Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Human Resources Development Ins | 773-995-4646 | 256 W 104th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Jones Emil Jr Youth Foundation | 773-568-6729 | 507 W 111th St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
R C M C Drop-In Center | 773-264-5850 | 10858 S Michigan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
Sivart Outreach Center | 773-660-1424 | 12807 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
South Side Help Center Inc | 773-445-5445 | 10420 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
St Peter & Paul Organizations | 773-785-0261 | 12433 S Halsted St | Chicago | IL | 60628 |
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