Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60629
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ada S McKinley Community Servi | 773-434-5577 | 2715 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Alcoholics Anonymous Spanish Spkng S | 773-863-0172 | 2814 W 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Arab American Action Network | 773-436-6060 | 3148 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Chicago Assn for Retarted Citize | 773-737-8646 | 3258 W 61st Pl | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Croe Information Center | 773-925-1600 | 2435 W 71st St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Evanescent House | 773-476-9006 | 6228 S Maplewood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Garth Youth Service Inc | 773-776-5221 | 3014 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Iman | 773-434-4626 | 3344 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Lithuania Daughters of | 773-925-3211 | 2735 W 71st St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Lithuanian Children's Hope Committee | 773-476-0664 | 2711 W 71st St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
National Center for the Laity | 773-776-9036 | 3422 W 59th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Pillars Community Services Midway | 773-767-6590 | 4033 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Salvation Army The | 773-434-0488 | 5950 S Spaulding Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Sara Construction & Management Inc | 773-838-8471 | 6719 S Kolmar Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Social Services Sanad | 773-436-7989 | 3302 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Tasc Inc | 773-863-5900 | 2615 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
Ymca of Metro Chicago | 773-434-0300 | 6235 S Homan Ave | Chicago | IL | 60629 |
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