Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60636
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chicago Association for Retarded Citize | 773-434-3231 | 5644 S Oakley Ave | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Children's Home & Aid Society of Illi | 773-476-6998 | 5958 S Marshfield Ave | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Coalition for United Community Labor | 773-863-0283 | 1253 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Community Mental Health Council Inc | 773-863-9749 | 6239 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Environmental Community Organization Th | 773-471-9000 | 1850 W Marquette Rd | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Fchn Feed Clothe & Help the Needy | 773-436-8277 | 1234 W 59th St | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Lithuanian Jesuit Youth Cntr | 773-778-7500 | 5620 S Claremont Ave | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Overcomers World Outreach Christ | 773-434-8841 | 5510 S Paulina St | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Rebirth of West Englewood Corp | 773-778-2371 | 1912 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Service Connector | 773-476-5500 | 5618 S Racine Ave | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Southwest Women Working Together | 773-737-2500 | 6845 S Western Ave | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Steps Two Development | 773-471-3758 | 5651 S Marshfield Ave | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
Uic Community Outreach Projects | 773-434-9367 | 1606 W 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60636 |
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