Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60637
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brand New Beginnings | 773-955-5780 | 115 E 58th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Chgo Theatre Co on 67th Street The | 773-493-1305 | 500 E 67th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Child & Family Connection Prog | 773-324-7434 | 950 E 61st St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority | 773-955-5155 | 1700 E 56th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Family Case Management Woodlanmanageme | 773-752-0911 | 1512 E 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Featherfist | 773-955-8598 | 5714 S Calumet Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Fund for Community Redevelopment & | 773-363-4300 | 822 E 63rd St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Gaither & Associates | 773-667-2047 | 6144 S Greenwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Kimbark Residency II | 773-493-2380 | 1351 E 62nd St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Lakeside Community Committee | 773-752-8187 | 6219 S Rhodes Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Living Room Cafe The | 773-643-6018 | 6422 S Cottage Grove Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Loretta Orme Center | 773-684-3160 | 6418 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Neighborhood Writing Alliance | 773-684-2742 | 1313 E 60th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Portal of Hope | 773-684-6778 | 1436 E Marquette Rd | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Ronald McDonald House | 773-324-5437 | 845 E 57th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Supportive Services Developement | 773-363-4090 | 31 E 61st St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
We Can Edu | 773-288-3000 | 6450 S Stony Island Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Woodlawn Development Associates | 773-667-8456 | 1312 E 62nd St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Woodlawn Organization | 773-324-6305 | 6029 S Harper Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Woodlawn Organization Child Abuse Pro | 773-288-5840 | 1447 E 65th St | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
Woodlawn Organization Real Estamanage | 773-753-2470 | 6040 S Harper Ave | Chicago | IL | 60637 |
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