Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60638
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asep Center for Alcoholism | 773-586-9511 | 6500 W Archer Ave | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Clarence Darrow Center Hull House | 773-767-1516 | 4340 S Lamon Ave | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Family Focus on Wellness | 773-581-6165 | 4841 W 44th Pl | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Garfield Ridge Chamber of Commerce | 773-767-0014 | 6165 S Archer Ave | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Leclaire Hearst Community Cente | 773-767-1582 | 4428 S La Crosse Ave | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Leclaire Hearst Community Cente | 773-767-1709 | 4439 S La Crosse Ave | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Leclaire Hearst Community Cente | 773-767-4867 | 4410 S Laporte Ave | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Polish American Assn | 773-767-7773 | 6276 S Archer Ave | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Salvation Army | 773-838-8005 | 5036 W 47th St | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
Southside Community Health Center | 773-735-2345 | 4839 W 47th St | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
St Mary Isle of Cherso Benevolent Soci | 773-581-3922 | 5646 S Archer Ave | Chicago | IL | 60638 |
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