Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60640
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
850 W Eastwood Tenants Association | 773-334-6515 | 850 W Eastwood Ave Lowr | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Alternatives Inc | 773-506-7474 | 4730 N Sheridan Rd | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
American Indian Center | 773-275-5871 | 1630 W Wilson Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Asian American Institute | 773-271-0899 | 4753 N Broadway St Ste 904 | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Asian Health Coalition of Illinois | 773-878-3539 | 4753 N Broadway St Ste 614 | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Asian Human Services | 773-561-1396 | 4753 N Broadway St Ste 700 | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Chicago Health Outreach | 773-506-1548 | 4730 N Winthrop Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Chinese American Senior Citizen Assoc | 773-784-3182 | 1127 W Argyle St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Chinese Mutual Aid Assn | 773-784-2900 | 1016 W Argyle St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Ezra Multi Service Center | 773-275-0866 | 909 W Wilson Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Hearland Human Care Services | 773-334-3801 | 1207 W Leland Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Hyderabad Foundation of Chicago | 773-561-1717 | 5401 N Wayne Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Imagine Chicago | 773-275-2520 | 910 W Castlewood Ter | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Inspiration Cafe | 773-878-0981 | 4554 N Broadway St Ste 207 | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Japanese American Service Committ | 773-275-7212 | 4427 N Clark St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Night Ministry | 773-784-9000 | 4711 N Ravenswood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Quan Am Temple | 773-271-5806 | 5545 N Broadway St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Salvation Army The | 773-728-8079 | 5556 N Clark St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Social & Educational Services Inc | 773-878-6035 | 5244 N Lakewood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Tibetan Alliance of Chicago | 773-275-7454 | 950 W Carmen Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Traveler's Immigrants Aid | 773-275-4960 | 1301 W Argyle St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Uptown Center Hull House Assn | 773-561-3500 | 4520 N Beacon St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Vietnamese Association of Illinois | 773-728-0497 | 5252 N Broadway St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Vital Bridges Nfp Inc | 773-271-5110 | 5543 N Broadway St | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
Voice of the People | 773-769-2442 | 4861 N Kenmore Ave | Chicago | IL | 60640 |
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