Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60647
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alliance of Logan Square Organiza | 773-235-5705 | 2665 W Fullerton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Armitage Baptist Church | 773-395-4700 | 2505 N Kedzie Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Asi | 773-278-5130 | 2619 W Armitage Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Aspira Inc | 773-770-1940 | 3909 W Fullerton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Association House of Chicago | 773-276-0084 | 2150 W North Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Blocks Together | 773-276-2194 | 3914 W North Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Center for Neighborhood Technology | 773-278-4800 | 2125 W North Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Centro De Educacion Y Cultura | 773-252-8715 | 3452 W Fullerton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Chicago Youth Centers Centro Nuestro | 773-489-3157 | 3208 W North Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Circle Family Care Counseling | 773-276-1200 | 1629 N Hamlin Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Cny Enterprises | 773-342-2749 | 2218 N Monticello Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Humboldt Park Social Services Inc | 773-342-0441 | 2120 N Mozart St | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Infant Welfare Society of Chicago | 773-782-2800 | 3600 W Fullerton Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Latin United Community Housing | 773-276-5338 | 3541 W North Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Lekotek | 773-276-5164 | 3204 W Armitage Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Lutheran Social Services of Ill | 773-342-2054 | 3120 W Palmer Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Marina Fontanez Community Cente | 773-227-9960 | 1710 N Central Park Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
New Community Warming Center | 773-252-3210 | 2841 W Diversey Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
New Moms | 773-252-3253 | 2825 W McLean Ave Ofc | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Newmann Victor Assoc | 773-384-4193 | 3935 W Wrightwood Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Raniassance Social Services | 773-645-8900 | 2213 N Rockwell St | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Ruiz Belvis Center | 773-235-3988 | 1632 N Milwaukee Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Uic Community Outreach Projects | 773-252-4422 | 1610 N Kedzie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Westtown Concerned Citizens Coalit | 773-235-2144 | 3501 W Armitage Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
Wic Erie Family Health Center | 773-276-7900 | 2750 W North Ave | Chicago | IL | 60647 |
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