Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago, IL 60653
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abraham Lincoln Centre | 773-924-1479 | 740 E 41st St | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Abraham Lincoln Centre Urban Systems O | 773-373-7380 | 3939 S Lake Park Ave | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Abraham Lincoln Youth Development Cen | 773-285-1390 | 3858 S Cottage Grove Ave | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Charles A Hayes Family Investment Cent | 773-548-4455 | 4455 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Chicago Connections | 773-624-6148 | 916 E 47th St | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Chicago Connections | 773-536-4355 | 4659 S Drexel Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Community Builders Inc | 773-268-8225 | 710 E 38th St | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Heartland Housing | 773-548-5333 | 914 E 47th St | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Hope Organization | 773-624-4752 | 4500 S Prairie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Lakeside Community Committee | 773-924-4154 | 3515 S Cottage Grove Ave Lbby 1 | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
McKinley Ada S Community Servi | 773-285-0617 | 3801 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Pioneer Village | 773-536-2328 | 340 E 38th St Apt 907 | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Raphael Center | 773-548-7847 | 4657 S Drexel Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Renaissance Collaborative T | 773-924-9270 | 3763 S Wabash Ave | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Service Coordinator at Grant Village | 773-536-2815 | 4161 S Drexel Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Stanton's Support Systems | 773-268-3300 | 4528 S Prairie Ave | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Tobacco Road Inc | 773-373-1900 | 4645 S King Dr | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Two Wells Extension Development | 773-373-8700 | 511 E Browning Ave | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Ujima Inc | 773-268-8903 | 3824 S Lake Park Ave | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
Wic Food Center | 773-924-7041 | 416 E 43rd St | Chicago | IL | 60653 |
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