Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Chicago Heights, IL 60411
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Chicago Heights IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Community Facility | 708-758-5585 | 1250 Portland Ave | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Boys & Girls Club of Chicago | 708-747-7150 | 422 W 16th Pl | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
C E C Services | 708-756-3744 | 733 S Halsted St | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Ceda Ford Heights Community Cente | 708-758-2510 | 1647 Cottage Grove Ave | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Chicago Heights Moose Lodge | 708-758-2727 | 2911 E Sauk Trl | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Commission on Ecomonic Opportunity | 708-758-6457 | 1327 Ellis Ave | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Exchange Services | 708-503-1636 | 561 Saratoga Dr | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Jones Memorial Community Cntr | 708-757-5395 | 220 E 15th St | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Mnam-Fcm | 708-757-4460 | 809 Ellis Ave | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Ordered Steps Ceda | 708-756-3451 | 1215 W End Ave | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Rainbows End Child Trauma Center | 708-709-2358 | 1900 Chicago Rd | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Respond Now Inc | 708-755-4357 | 1439 Emerald Ave | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Salation Army The | 708-754-3062 | 2323 S Halsted St | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Sauk Village Community Center | 708-758-4115 | 2700 Kalvelage Dr | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Services Exchange Inc | 708-748-7455 | 1150 Piacenti Ln | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
South Suburban Pads | 708-481-2610 | 414 W 14th Pl | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
Southstar Services | 708-755-8030 | 1005 W End Ave | Chicago Heights | IL | 60411 |
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