Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Kankakee, IL 60901
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Kankakee IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross Kankakee County | 815-933-2286 | 1432 S 4th Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Aunt Martha's Youth Service Center | 815-937-0100 | 355 N Schuyler Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Catholic Charities | 815-723-3053 | 270 N Schuyler Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Cfc Service Inc | 815-937-3847 | 1015 N 5th Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Children's Advocacy Center | 815-936-7372 | 201 N Wall St | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Compassionate Ministries' Cen | 815-937-4277 | 895 S Washington Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Easter Seals Bourbonnais | 815-932-0623 | 22 Heritage Dr Ste Ste | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Individual Advocacy Group | 815-936-6341 | 162 E Court St | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Junior League of Kankakee Stone | 815-937-0877 | 165 N Indiana Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Kankakee County Center Against Sexual | 815-933-6796 | 1440 W Court St | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Kankakee Metropolitan Drug Enforcemen | 815-933-3953 | 1551 E Willow St | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Neighborhood Opportunities I | 815-929-3745 | 885 S 7th Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Neighborhood Partners of Kankakee Inc | 815-939-9700 | 512 S Chicago Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Salvation Army The | 815-932-1614 | 543 E Court St | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Salvation Army The | 815-933-1603 | 148 N Harrison Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Threshold | 815-802-1440 | 605 S Poplar Ave | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Threshold | 815-802-1441 | 800 W Harbor St | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
Thresholds Tri Industries | 815-939-0700 | 2150C S US Highway 45 52 | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
United Developmental Services | 815-939-4070 | 2405 Eastgate Industrial | Kankakee | IL | 60901 |
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