Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ottawa, IL 61350
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ottawa IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church | 815-434-7113 | 651 W Madison St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 815-434-5424 | 1931 Pratt Ln | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Chormann William Rev | 815-433-1030 | 501 E McKinley Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Christ Community Church of Ottawa | 815-434-5007 | 807 La Salle St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Christian Church Southside | 815-434-3717 | 1180 Catherine St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Church of Christ | 815-433-0771 | 910 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Church of Christ | 815-433-3300 | 1782 N 2703rd Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Epworth United Methodist Churc | 815-434-4416 | 627 Gentleman Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Evangelical United Methodist Churc | 815-434-0598 | 1116 Illinois Ave | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 815-434-7017 | 1611 Adams St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
First Assembly of God | 815-433-3524 | 1131 1st Ave | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
First Baptist Ch | 815-433-0239 | 103 W McKinley Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
First Congregation United Church O | 815-433-2591 | 120 E Jackson St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
First Presbyterian Church | 815-433-1045 | 114 E Jefferson St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
First United Methodist Church | 815-433-1060 | 100 W Jefferson St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Freedom Lutheran Church | 815-792-8642 | 1527 E US Highway 52 | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Grace Baptist Church | 815-433-0187 | 601 E McKinley Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Heritage Christian Center | 815-434-0507 | 319 W McKinley Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Praise Center Assembly of God Church | 815-434-3600 | 3040 E 18th Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Raben David Rev | 815-434-0596 | 717 Chambers St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Under His Wings | 815-431-1264 | 301 Nebraska St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church | 815-433-1408 | 622 W Jefferson St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
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