Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Ottawa, IL 61350
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Ottawa IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alberto's Restaurant | 815-434-6200 | 1409 La Salle St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Anne's Hide-A-Way | 815-433-9686 | 323 Railroad Ave | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Arby's | 815-433-1304 | 4131 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Bee Hive | 815-433-5640 | 700 La Salle St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Bertas North | 815-433-6797 | 441 E Stevenson Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Bertas Pub Inc | 815-434-6797 | 616 Clinton St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Big Boyz Toyz | 815-433-2400 | 203 E Joliet St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Burger King | 815-433-4732 | 209 E Norris Dr | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Captain's Cove | 815-434-0881 | Dee Bennett Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Carretto's Bar & Bowling | 815-433-1469 | 729 Chestnut St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Colonel Sander's Kentucky Fried | 815-434-6333 | 2751 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Country Kitchen | 815-431-0844 | 2754 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Ebbey's West | 815-431-2045 | 222 W Madison St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Esther's Sueno | 815-433-9484 | 602 Fillmore St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Green Mill Cafe | 815-434-6626 | 100 W Madison St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Hank's Farm Restaurant | 815-433-2540 | Highway 71 | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Hardee's | 815-434-0535 | 2625 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Hiway Restaurant | 815-431-9431 | 210 W Norris Dr | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Jardines | 815-434-2833 | 711 La Salle St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Mariachis | 815-433-6800 | 1911 Ottawa Ave | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 815-434-3141 | 127 E Norris Dr | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Monte's Riverside Inn | 815-434-5000 | 903 E Norris Dr | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Mr J's Hot Dogs & Gyros | 815-431-8888 | 406 W Main St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
New Brite Spot The | 815-433-3899 | 801 E Norris Dr | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
New Chalet Restaurant | 815-433-2746 | 514 State St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Obee's Soup Salad & Subs | 815-433-4805 | 816 La Salle St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Ottawa House Restaurant The | 815-433-4655 | 217 W Madison St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Shakers Lounge | 815-433-2110 | 121 W Stevenson Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 815-434-6400 | 1118 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 815-434-9140 | 4105 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Tai Jiang Restaurant | 815-433-3388 | 517 E Norris Dr | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Thai Cafe | 815-431-8090 | 610 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Tones Doghouse | 815-431-8000 | 521 W Main St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Wedron Office The | 815-433-2974 | 2005 N 35th Rd | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger Restr | 815-433-0334 | 1440 Columbus St | Ottawa | IL | 61350 |
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